This past weekend my grandparents came to meet Evvy and to visit with the rest of us. We had a great time catching up, playing, and cooking. Come back soon Great Grammie & Papa!
Great Grammie's first time holding Evvy
Unfortunately Evvy's 2mth shots coincided with Grammie & Papa's arrival so it wasn't until dinner time that they were able to hold her. Evvy seemed to be very tender and mommy-bound after her doctor appointment.

Cal tried to help Great Papa soothe Evvy by singing to her and rubbing her head

Since Cal has been potty training, nearly since birth, he was unfamiliar with the button up pants. So, while in time out (and without toys) he found out that his pants could unbutton and when called to talk to Daddy after time out he was a little worried that he couldn't re-button the pants.

Cal sportin' his new hat that was handmade by cousin Maureen

Rock those spiderman-underwear hats!


Evvy also got a hat from Maureen

color time