This weekend it was just the two of us. We had a lot of fun this weekend playing, house shopping, napping, and even had time for a Sunday outting.
Calvin found an unopened package of ring binder insertable tabs and entertained himself for a good 1/2 hour listening to the crinkly plastic wrap & sliding it around the floor.

He also found a new playground this weekend located just under the kitchen table

Saturday night Cal ran into an old friend...Mr. Zwieback toast


Cal even received a 2nd visit from Mr. Zwieback toas

He was so excited he hardly noticed the difference between his fingers & his toast (see shoulder)

Whew, now it's bath time

Today we went out to run some errands and see the sites. While making a quick stop at Babies R Us a trainee from the Kiddie Kandidis Portriat Studio, who is working on her certification, passed by us and received a huge simle from Cal. Upon seeing his beautiful smile she asked to take pictures of him as part of her ceritification process...These pictures (above & below) are the result.

After his outting and photo shoot our lil'guy was exhausted

When we were out Cal picked up some new pacifiers (the old ones offer no resistance) and a nifty little thing that is supposed to help introduce him to solid foods (see tray of walker in pic).
1 comment:
Thank you for all of the pictures! Looks like you were able to snag a little bit of down time while you were home with Cal this weekend. Thanks again for letting us borrow Clint...he was so much help to me with Zack! I can't wait to see Cal this coming week = = let me know when you're ready for massage envy :)
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