Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Last week Cal discovered that if his toys are arranged just so he can scale one to be ontop of the other....

Tah-Dah, I did it!

He love climbing in and out of this truck and sitting in it

He climbs anything, absolutely anything

Visiting Great Grammie & Great Papa

We went to visit my grandparents over Halloween and my birthday. We had an excellent visit full of laughs and wonderful company.


Great Grammie couldn't wait to see Cal play with this new toy

Carving my pumpkin

Clint, very focused on carving the scariest pumpkin


--one big oops of the holiday, we didn't take a picture of Cal's pumpkin; in the picture we did take the finished product is looking at Cal, not the camera

Mommy & Cal carving the pumpkin Cal selected at the pumpkin farm

Great Papa & Calvin

Trick-or-treat...it's jello time

Happy Halloween

Cal's new puzzle

Cal enjoyed licking the fridge from one side to the other

Cal got a haircut

I got a haircut

Cal's first encounter with a balloon

Cal's cupboard

Happy Birthday, Mommy

To celebrate my birthday I decided to sleep out on my grandparents' patio. In preparation of my night Clint made sure I was well bundled. Sleeping outside was amazing--great way to wrap up my day.