We went to visit my grandparents over Halloween and my birthday. We had an excellent visit full of laughs and wonderful company.

Great Grammie couldn't wait to see Cal play with this new toy
Carving my pumpkin
Clint, very focused on carving the scariest pumpkin
--one big oops of the holiday, we didn't take a picture of Cal's pumpkin; in the picture we did take the finished product is looking at Cal, not the camera
Mommy & Cal carving the pumpkin Cal selected at the pumpkin farm

Looks like you all had a great visit!! Tara, your hair looks so cute! I wonder how long it took Grammi to wash away all the finger and tongue prints from little Calvin!!! Too funny,
LOVE the Halloween costume! I'm glad you guys had such a wonderful visit with your grandparents. They are amazing people :)
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