Calvin is officially 6 months old now. In this short time he has over come many hurdles and has learned many new skills. Recently he has started trying to give kisses to me and his daddy. He can also stand while holding onto something, sit, and has his two bottom front teeth. Right now, once set in the crawl position, he can rock back and forth and makes attempts to crawl. Once he gets the leg arm coordination he will be unstoppable.

Calvin was so excited when I broke out the camera today that he tried to get as close as he could. As a result his pasty white skin is blindingly white...

Calvin can now step up and down

He likes to stand on railings--anything really

and he loves Daddy time

We found that home-made corn sticks to the roof of your mouth if you don't add a little milk. Calvin loves corn, he loves it so much so that his Daddy lovingly calls him "Cornholio"

Eagerly awaiting peaches...
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